Would you like to set up a business in Narón?
We will help you to make your dream true

We are committed to accompanying you in the process of purchasing or renting your plot or commercial premises in order to make it as easy for you as possible.

Why in Narón?
We understand what you need for your business

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If you have a company or wish to start up one, the Council of Narón offers the tools to speed up the improvement or start-up of your project.
Because in Narón, besides supporting your business directly, we offer multiple lines to favour the implementation of your initiative.
Numerous industrial plots and commercial premises are available.
With easy forms you can get in touch with us to tell and share your needs.
We know that business initiatives do not only need support at the moment of starting up.
We are committed to accompanying you in the process of purchasing or renting your plot or commercial premises in order to make it as easy for you as possible.
In addition to the clear commitment with the businesses based in our Council, in Narón we have a privileged environment, well communicated, and with multiple resources and services.
Business with a future, come to Narón!

About us
From the Council of Narón we created this web to help you with the information you need for your business.

Enterprises in Narón

Places or plants to grow your business

People, workers and support

Journeys, events and activities all year round